The driving force
behind our vision

the team

We believe that a strong and motivated team is the key to success, and our team of highly skilled and passionate professionals is exactly that.

Each member of our team brings a unique experience and specific expertise, which together form a synergistic force. Our collective knowledge and experience enable us to deliver results that exceed expectations.

At our core, we are a group of individuals with a common goal of excellence. We believe in collaboration, communication, and a shared sense of purpose, which allows us to achieve remarkable milestones together.

Stefan Lohmer

Co-Founder and Chairman of the Board

Stefan Lohmer, seasoned CEO in the biotech world with a strong passion for transformative science and creating companies.

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Alessandro Sidoli

Co-Founder and Member of the Board

Alessandro Sidoli, experienced founder and CEO of innovative biotech companies and associations.

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Luigi Gavazzeni

Co-Founder and Member of the Board

Luigi Gavazzeni, a long-standing expertise as CFO in the biopharmaceutical industry.

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Giorgio Chirivì

Member of the Board

Giorgio Chirivì, an outstanding expert in corporate finance, in conducting very successful M&As and being board member in various pharma and life science companies.

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Chiara Liberati

Managing Director

Chiara Liberati, seasoned director with a deep commitment to science and experience in early drug discovery and company creation.

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Elisa Tinelli

Senior Program Manager

Elisa Tinelli, extensive experience in full life-cycle management of drug discovery programs within interdisciplinary and international settings.

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Lorena Za

Program and Innovation Manager

Lorena Za, expert in designing, starting and managing interdisciplinary early drug discovery programs.

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