A history that drives
our vision

about the name

Golgi Neurosciences has been named as a tribute to the Nobel Prize Winner Camillo Golgi (Italy, 7 July 1843 – 21 January 1926), an outstanding Italian biologist and pathologist known for his pioneering work on the central nervous system. He was born in Corteno, not far from Milan, where Golgi Neurosciences is based.

Camillo Golgi studied medicine at the University of Pavia (where he later spent most of his professional career) between 1860 and 1868. His discovery of a staining technique called black reaction (sometimes called Golgi’s method or Golgi’s staining in his honor) in 1873 was a fundamental breakthrough in neuroscience, making for the first time the structure of nerve cells visible under the microscope.

Several structures and phenomena in anatomy and physiology are named after him, including the Golgi apparatus, the Golgi tendon organ and the Golgi tendon reflex. Camillo Golgi and the Spanish biologist Santiago Ramón y Cajal were jointly given the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine in 1906 “in recognition of their work on the structure of the nervous system” and the first in Neuroscience.

If you wish to learn more about Golgi’s life and scientific career, we suggest you to visit two interesting museums in Pavia (Italy), the Golgi Museum established in 2012 at Palazzo Botta where Golgi had his laboratories and used to give his lessons, and the Pavia University History Museum which gathers a wealth of scientific instruments, anatomical and pathological preparations from Camillo Golgi and other outstanding scientists who spent their career in Pavia.

The “modus operandi” of our company is inspired by the Golgi apparatus, where ideas are coming in like vesicles of the cis-Golgi, matured inside and released by the trans-Golgi as NewCos or collaboration deals.

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